The Elegance of Net Zero Energy Homes
The Net Zero Energy Standard is one of the best industry standards for high-performance homes. Homes built to this standard provide tremendous value to homeowners. Below are some key facts about the standard and why we get excited about building Net Zero Homes!
What is a Net Zero Home and a Net Zero Ready Home?
The Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) defines a Net Zero Home as a home that is designed, modelled and constructed to produce as much energy (from on-site renewable energy systems) as it consumes on an annual basis.
A Net Zero Ready Home is a home that has the same energy performance as a Net Zero Home, but the renewable energy system is not yet installed.
The Benefits
We spend at least a third of our day at home. It is very important that the environment we live in is healthy and comfortable, as this has a direct effect on our well-being. The Net Zero Energy standard provides homeowners with peace of mind, knowing the space they live in has been built following rigorous practices. Some benefits of a Net Zero Energy Home include:
Fresh air in the home. The home is air tight, with a mechanical unit that brings fresh, filtered air into the interior space. Air tight construction reduces allergens and asthma triggers, such as dust, pollen and outdoor air pollution.
A Quiet Retreat. The additional insulation on the home’s envelope and the triple-glazed windows completely isolate the exterior noise from the interior space.
The home feels comfortable and cozy all year-round as the interior environment is controllable.
Advanced construction practices are followed, resulting in a higher quality build and more durable construction that requires less maintenance.
Reduced energy consumption is also a bonus. The energy consumption is about 80% lower than that of a home built to code.
How do we get to a
Net Zero Energy Home?
Your home is a combination of interacting systems. Any alteration to one system affects how the remaining home performs. This is where the benefit of working with experienced professionals who understand the building science principles and how the home works as a system comes in.
Each home is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all formula. The process begins with reviewing the home’s layout and site requirements, analyzing the energy performance and finding optimal solutions. Features typically found in Net Zero Homes include:
Higher insulation levels throughout the home (under the basement slab, exterior walls, attics, ceilings, etc.)
Triple Pane Windows (provide quiet and more comfortable interior space, help reduce heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer)
Energy Star certified mechanical units, windows and appliances
Energy Recovery Ventilator (promotes better air quality by bringing fresh filtered air into the home)
Air Source Heat Pump (mechanical unit that heats the home up to 3 times more efficiently)
Air-tight Envelope (reduces heat loss, migration of pollutants and bugs into the home)
Better exterior envelope and water management
Energy Efficient Water Heating Unit
Monitoring System for Energy Consumption
Drain Water Heat Recovery
Energy Efficient Lighting
Renewables or Renewable ready
Can we renovate to the Net Zero Energy Standard?
Absolutely! The Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) has a certification program for Net Zero Renovations. A net zero renovation achieves the same energy targets as a Net Zero New Build.
It is important to note that not every existing home is a suitable candidate for the Net Zero Renovation Certification. Several factors must be assessed to determine the feasibility of certification such as the: home footprint, roof shape, orientation, exterior wall finishes, etc.
In cases where certification is not possible, it is always recommended that some measures be taken to improve the building envelope and mechanical equipment to make the home more comfortable, healthy and energy efficient.

To get started on this exciting journey, please fill out your project information here. We will reach out within 2 business days to learn more!